Saturday, April 27, 2013


We all have 24 hours in the day. We all have the same amount of time as everyone else does. Yet none of us have "enough time" to do everything we HAVE to get done and have "free" time left over to do fun things. I know when I was single I hated being home alone and would spend just about every night hanging out with friends, I had a very large spider web of friends. Now when Chris is gone for work I'm forced to have time home, ALONE and it really makes you think and makes you prioritize. I am in the middle of a sermon series called Simplify and it talks about removing overwhelmed, exhausted, and over scheduled from our vocabulary, and the power of actually scheduling time to do things, time to spend with your family, time in The Word, time at church on Sunday, etc. While I'm still a fan of randomness, many times leaving something up to random means leaving it up to never happening. I know that in our life group we all talk about wanting to spend time together outside of our every other Tuesday night meeting but lately it rarely happens. We have stuffed our weeks so full of stuff, cleaning the house, shopping for a new necessity, going to school, doing homework, working, taking care of other people that we forget to schedule time that is truly for ourselves. That ends up being detrimental to our mental health, to our marriage, and to our friendships, yet we just don't see that, or see it as selfish instead of refreshing or re-building.

We NEED to schedule time with our friends, we NEED to schedule date nights with our spouse's, we NEED to schedule time for worshiping and fellowshipping. We NEED to stop saying, I just don't have free time, we have chosen to not have free time and it's hurting us. When we are over-scheduled we feel overwhelmed and it makes it really easy for the devil to take a foot-hold in our lives and marriages and relationships, and start breaking them down.

Let's all re-check our priorities in life, let's make sure that they're not sucking the life out of us. Let's stop making excuses and spend time with the people who are very important to us before they're gone. Let's stop saying, "We really need to hang out," or "We really should get together sometime." and actually do it! Let's schedule peaceful time that is meaningful and loving and fun and refreshing all at the same time!

I love you all and my time in Lubbock is fairly short and I'd love to make the most of it with each and everyone of you! When I'm in South Dakota or Colorado I know that my time is short and I try really hard to make the most of every moment I get when I'm there and see the people that mean the most to me.

We all have the time that we have scheduled so let's look at our schedules and see where our priorities are.

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